Grade One Hinz

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Writing Using I-Pads

The students had a lot of fun over the past two days using I Pads to create stories.

Mrs. Cannon, one of the Learning Technologists for the division, came in to introduce us to the new technology. We explored adding text, images and as well as creating our own drawings. 


Find links to each of our creations below…

Cathy          Alex           Donnell          Tyler          Anna          BeeJay                

Nathan       Kira            Wyatt             Clara           Koltin        Reanna  


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Mrs.Hrycan Math Visit

Mrs. Hrycan, the divisions math curriculum consultant, came into our room today during our math class to help us learn about numbers to 100. We found out about ways to represent numbers from 1-99.


Samples of our work:



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2012 Reading Competition Winners

The Grade One class read over 40,000 minutes to claim first place in the 2012 HPS Reading Competition. We received the HPS Challenge Cup and are anxiously awaiting the assembly when we will each receive a book followed by a pizza party. Thanks to Mrs. Mulhern for organizing and to Horizon Fertilizers for sposoring.


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